Marketing is a process that involves activities a company takes to promote the product or services among the target audience. It involves steps taken to Identify the customers and what you can offer them to meet their needs.
Nowadays, every business needs different types of marketing. It helps to generate more leads and increase customer retention and engagement. Marketing will build an online brand reputation. Also, a long-lasting good relationship with the customers.
It’s very important to build trust to reach new customers and retain the old ones. Let’s look at some best types of marketing for businesses to be on the lookout for in 2023.
23 Types of Marketing for 2023
Online Marketing
Online marketing involves advertising your goods or services to the target audience digitally. You should use a set of tools and methodologies for promoting products and services through the internet.
Online marketing strategy uses a variety of digital tools to push a message to the target audience. You can create a product image, a video, a gif, a slide show, or an infographic.
After that, you can post it on your social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. You can also create reels and stories of your products and services. Due to the competitive marketing world, it’s very important to stay up to date with the market trends. Also, make sure you also research how your competitors are marketing. Additionally, considering strategies like purchasing Instagram followers can also boost your social media presence and engagement organically.
1. Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is an effective way for all business sizes to reach prospects and customers. All age groups people discover, follow and shop from brands on social media like Facebook and Instagram.
Great marketing on social media accounts can bring remarkable success to your company, creating brand reputation and increasing sales. Social media marketing and advertising require a strategy with measurable goals.
You should be maintaining and optimizing your company profiles. You can create and maintain profiles on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter Instagram, and Twitter. You should post social media videos, pictures stories, gifs, infographics, team headshots and live videos that represent your brand and attract a relevant audience. It’s also very important to respond to customer comments, shares, and likes and monitor your brand reputation.
Follow and engage with Facebook followers, customers, and influencers to build a brand community.
2. Content Marketing
Content marketing is a marketing strategy that uses storytelling and information sharing by creating relevant articles, e-books, videos, podcasts, etc. This is how content marketing engages customers and increases brand awareness.
Educate your customers by sending e-books and boosting conversions. Write blogs about your products and upload them on your website. For example, Shopify, one of the best eCommerce blogs, provides helpful content to eCommerce merchants.
Create product videos to show your audience how your products and services solve their challenges.
3. Email Marketing
Email marketing is direct marketing. It sends personalized emails to educate customers about your product or services.
You can design email campaigns and insert a Call-to-Action button like making a purchase, booking a demo, signing up for a trial, or registering for an event.
Customers always check their emails. Use attractive subject lines to increase the open rate. Give promotional discounts and offers.
4. Referral Marketing
This type of marketing is also called Word-of-mouth marketing. It is done among your friends and relatives to grow your customer base.
Referral marketing is when your customers talk about your products and offerings to their friends. You can use tracking software like InviteReferrals. It will help your customers to send referral codes to their network.
5. Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is the process that involves making money online every time a customer purchases a product based on an affiliate’s recommendation.
This allows – ‘the affiliate’ – to earn a commission and helps the company increase sales.
Influencers can market a product or service by sharing it on a blog, social media marketing, or website.
6. Video Marketing
Video marketing is the way to promote products and services by recording videos and uploading them on online video-sharing platforms like YouTube. It helps to raise brand awareness and increase engagements.
7. Search engine marketing (SEM)
Search engine marketing promotes products and services through SERPs Search Engine Results Page like Google search engine. SEM shows two types of results: paid results and organic results.
Organic results are pages that a search engine like Google bots finds, crawls, and indexes on its Search Engine Results Page. The position on organic results is very difficult. You can only get it through creating SEO-friendly content.
Paid results include pay-per-click advertising. Companies pay search engine companies like Google to take part in a bid for keywords competing for the best ad placement on the Search Engine Results Page.
8. Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on using key leaders and influencers to drive your brand’s message to the market through an effective influencer marketing platform.
Influencer marketing goes together with two other types of marketing: content marketing and social media marketing. Influencers are expected to spread the brand word through their personal social media channels like Instagram using various Instagram influencer marketing strategies, Facebook, and YouTube. Influencers can either create the content themselves or create content for the influencers.
9. Word-of-mouth Marketing
Word-of-mouth marketing is a type of marketing of influences and encourages natural discussions about a product, service, or company.
A 2015 Nielsen study revealed that 83% of customers from 60 countries trusted product recommendations from friends and family. But when a recommendation came from a random person’s opinion posted online, the trust ratio was decreased to 66%.
Word-of-mouth marketing can be of different types. You can create a social media campaign, a Public Relations campaign, or a referral campaign with awards and gifts for spreading the brand’s message.
10. Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing is a type of marketing that focuses to attract customers to the product or services with relevant and useful content posted online.
Inbound marketing tries to create a situation where a potential customer discovers a company’s product or service while looking for a solution online. A customer might search for something on Google and stumble on your company blog or article on your website.
11. Outbound Marketing
Outbound marketing is an inherently disruptive type of marketing. The outbound ads are placed in front of a consumer with the goal of distracting them from whatever they were already doing.
You can advertise your brand on radio and TV ads, as well as billboards. You can send email campaigns like ebooks, and infographics to the validated list, and provide real value to a targeted list audiences.
12. Growth Marketing
Growth marketing is a type of marketing that helps in increasing a company’s revenue by applying an experiment-driven and integrated approach to all stages of attracting customers. Growth marketing is another term that is mostly used in contrast to “traditional marketing.”
Growth marketing entered the stage in the early 2000s. Growth marketing techniques were quickly adopted by start-ups that needed a different approach to marketing their product.
A growth marketing approach is a data-driven approach that runs tests on the customer data to determine how to optimize results for better engagement. Companies can use an A/B test to see which push notification customers liked the most.
13. Multi-level Marketing
Also, abbreviated as (MLM). It is a type of marketing strategy to sell a company’s product or service where the revenue is derived from a non-salaried workforce. It is basically a distribution strategy where a network of distributors earns by selling products and services directly to consumers.
A salesperson can also have some downline recruits under them and receive a commission on their every sale.
14. Buzz Marketing
Buzz marketing is a type of viral marketing. It focuses on maximizing the word-of-mouth marketing campaign. The idea is to spur conversations among consumers’ family and friends or larger-scale discussions on social media platforms.
The brand follows all possible strategies to create a buzz about a new product and grab the audience. It maximizes the word-of-mouth potential of a campaign or product. The conversations can happen either online or offline. When Buzz Marketing is done right it can massively increase online and offline sales.
15. B2B Marketing
B2B marketing is also called business-to-business marketing. It refers to products or services marketing by one business to other businesses.
The best example is that one company may contract with another company to provide the raw materials needed to manufacture a product. LinkedIn is a great platform for making B2B marketing connections.To speed things up, you can use LinkedIn AI writing tools like Socialsonic
16. B2C Marketing
It is also abbreviated as Business-to-consumer marketing. It is a type of marketing that focuses on tactics and strategies which a brand uses to promote its products and services to individual people. It involves direct customer outreach where the customers prioritize quality and value, wanting to satisfy their needs at a good price.
Offline Marketing
Offline marketing is a marketing strategy in which the advertisement of a product is done via offline platforms. The marketing channels include television commercials, radio ads, billboards, newspapers, and flyers. In offline marketing, the product is promoted on every platform except online media. It is a traditional method of marketing and has been in use before the arrival of the internet.
Offline marketing is still an effective way when it comes to build and support any firm or business entity. Many marketing experts understand the importance of offline marketing and how it impacts a large set of demographics in a positive manner.
17. Guerrilla Marketing
Guerrilla marketing involves marketing your business products through tactics that are generally perceived to be outside of the usual rules.
A guerrilla marketing campaign is surprising or shocking and will usually have a lesser emphasis on product branding. Smaller companies used these types of marketing. Looking for ways to keep the marketing budget small while still making a real impact.
The methods used by the companies are often low or no cost. It involves the widespread use of more personal interactions or through viral social media messaging.
18. Business card Marketing
Business cards are a vital part of commercial culture. This type of marketing is a tried and tested marketing technique across the world.
It is quite simple. Your business should have business cards. And you should leave them with people after your in-person meeting at every opportunity.
Your cards should be well designed. It should provide information about what you do. Also, represent your company to the larger world.
19. Event Marketing
Event speaking is one of the major offline marketing strategies for business owners. You will most likely speak in front of a highly targeted audience who will be receptive to your brand message.
The speaker gets the publicity of speaking at the event. Also, it establishes a “voice” within your brand. It is a great way of generating leads.
20. Networking Marketing
Networking is cost-effective marketing. Selling your product and services will always be a concern, no matter if your business is just starting up, or you’re a large multinational enterprise.
Networking is zero-cost marketing and can potentially pay you back. Make sure you network with all your business partners, employees, and friends, and attend all relevant events.
21. Cold calling marketing
Cold calling is a very old yet effective method of generating leads. In cold calling, you call as a sales representative to prospects to market your company offerings. It generally refers to a phone-based calling.
A salesperson should prepare a script and practice mock calls before calling the real target audience.
22. Billboards Marketing
Billboard advertising is considered a traditional way of marketing but it’s keeping up with modern times. It gives you results if marketed properly.
Billboards are placed beside a roadside. Prospective customers see them waiting in a traffic jam. Always try creating innovative billboards.
Place the billboard considering your target audience. The physical positioning of the billboard is critical for success.
23. Field Marketing
It is a traditional form of marketing. In field marketing, a salesperson goes out to promote the products and services to the target audience.
A person can distribute flyers, distribute product samples, or give product demos.
Final Thoughts
That’s our look at 20+ best types of marketing and when they’re widely used by the different brands and start-ups. We hope this helps you to understand different marketing techniques to promote a product or service. It’s never too late to start marketing your brand. The easiest way to start is using InviteReferrals. It is an incredibly easy-to-use referral marketing solution that is geared at helping your business to get more referred customers. To know more about us, schedule a free demo.