Designing Lead Generation Referral Widgets for Online Business Success

Referral marketing is when your happy customers bring you more customers by recommending your business. Studies have shown that referred customers are more loyal and spend more money than those acquired through other channels. 

Here, Referral widgets make this process even easier by giving customers a simple way to share their love for brands.

But not all referral widgets work the same. To see results, you need a widget that’s easy to use, offers a good deal, and fits right in with your website. 

So, in this guide, we will discuss lead generation referral that gets people talking and brings in new customers for your online business.

How to Create Lead Generation Referral Widgets

Okay, so you’re ready to create a lead generation referral widget that gets people excited to share your brand. Keep these points in mind. 

1. Clear Value Proposition

No one’s going to refer to their friends just for the fun of it. You need to offer them something that makes it worth their while. This could be a discount on their next purchase, a gift, exclusive access to a sale, or even just a few extra loyalty points.

Make it clear what they’ll get, and make it something they’ll want. Don’t be stingy with your rewards — remember, you’re getting a new customer out of the deal!

William Westerlund, Marketing Manager at Suptask explains with an example, “Take Airbnb, for example. They know people love to travel, so they offer a double-sided incentive: — both the referrer and the referred friend get a discount on their next booking.”


This encourages users to share their referral code with as many friends as possible, knowing that both parties will benefit from the deal. And it works — their referral program has been a major driver of their growth, with millions of new users acquired through referrals.

2. Add a Clear Call to Action (CTA)

Your CTA is the button or link that people click on to actually share your referral code. It’s like the cherry on top of your cake — it needs to be tempting, says Eran Mizrahi, CEO of Ingredient Brothers.

So, use action-oriented language like “Share & Save,” “Refer a Friend, Get Rewarded,” or “Unlock Your Discount Now.” The design of the button should also be eye-catching and easy to spot.

3. Seamless User Experience

Don’t make people jump through hoops to refer to their friends. The process should be as simple as possible. Ideally, the referral widget should pop up right on your website, allowing people to share their unique code with just a few clicks, adds Saba Mobebpour, CEO at SPOCKET

You could also offer several sharing options, like email, social media links, or even a unique referral link that people can copy and paste.

4. Incentive Structure

There are a few different ways you can structure your referral incentives. 

  • Double-Sided: Reward both the referrer and the friend they refer to. This creates a win-win situation and encourages more sharing.
  • Tiered Rewards: Offer bigger rewards for more referrals (e.g., get a $10 discount for referring one friend, $20 for referring two, and so on). This can incentivize people to share with multiple friends.
  • Creative Incentives: Think outside the box! If you don’t want to offer discounts, you could give out exclusive products, early access to sales, or other unique perks that your customers will love.

5. Social Sharing Options

According to Chase Hughes, Founder of ProAI, “Make it easy for people to share their referral code on their favorite social platforms. Include buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and any other relevant platforms. This will help your referral program spread like wildfire.”


For example, PayPal famously used a double-sided incentive model to drive a huge influx of new users. 

They offered $20 to both new and existing users for each successful referral. This created a viral effect, with people eagerly sharing their referral codes to earn those rewards. 

Within a month, PayPal had gained over 100,000 new users, showcasing the immense power of incentivized social sharing.

6. Tracking and Analytics

Track how well your referral program is doing. Keep an eye on how many people are sharing their codes, how many new customers are coming in through referrals, and how much revenue is being generated, adds Martin Seeley, CEO of Mattress Next Day

This data will help you identify what’s working and what’s not so you can tweak your program and make it even more successful.

Integrating Referral Widgets into Your Website

Alright, you’ve built an awesome referral widget — it’s visually appealing, offers tempting incentives, and is super easy to use. 

Now, the question is — where do you put it on your website? And how do you make sure it gets noticed? Let’s get into the best ways to integrate your referral widget and make it a star player on your site:

1. Placement

Choosing the right placement for your referral widget is crucial. You want it to be visible without being intrusive. 

Here are a few prime locations to consider.

  • Homepage: Your homepage is often the most visited page on your website. Featuring your referral widget here ensures maximum visibility and encourages new visitors to participate.
  • Product Pages: If your referral program offers product-specific rewards (like discounts on certain items), place the widget on relevant product pages to entice potential buyers.
  • Checkout Page: This is a great spot to remind customers about your referral program after they’ve made a purchase. They’re already feeling good about your brand, making it the perfect time to ask for a referral.
  • Dedicated Referral Page: If you have a robust referral program with tiered rewards or multiple incentives, you might consider creating a separate landing page solely dedicated to the program. Consider also exploring the best ecommerce landing pages to optimize your referral program’s effectiveness and conversion rates. This gives you more space to explain the benefits and showcase social proof from successful referrals.
  • Pop-Up Widgets: Pop-up widgets can be effective in grabbing attention, but use them sparingly. Consider triggering them after a visitor has spent a certain amount of time on your site or viewed a few pages.

For example, Dropbox placed their “Invite Friends” button prominently within the user dashboard — making it super easy for people to share their referral link.

This simple placement, combined with the compelling incentive of additional storage space, led to a massive surge in their user base.


2. Customization

Your referral widget shouldn’t feel like an afterthought. It should blend seamlessly with your website’s design and overall branding. Most referral widget providers offer customization options that allow you to.

  • Match Your Brand Colors: Choose colours that align with your website’s colour scheme.
  • Use Your Fonts: Keep your fonts consistent with the rest of your site.
  • Add Your Logo: Make sure your branding is visible and recognizable within the widget.
  • Customize Messaging: Tailor the text to match your brand voice and speak directly to your target audience.

3. Mobile Optimization

Most people browse the internet on their phones, so your referral widget must be mobile-friendly. Make sure it.

  • Resizes Properly: The widget should adapt to fit different screen sizes without looking distorted or cutting off important information.
  • Easy to Tap: Buttons and links should be large enough to easily tap with a finger.
  • Loads Quickly: Avoid large images or complex animations that could slow down the page on mobile.

4. Promoting Your Referral Program

You’ve got your referral widget in place and looking good. Now it’s time to shout it from the rooftops (or at least, your website and social channels). Promoting your referral program is essential to get those new customers rolling in. Here are some effective ways to spread the word.


5. Email Marketing

Your email list is a goldmine for referrals. These are people who already like your brand and are more likely to recommend you to others.

  • Announcement Email: When you launch your referral program, send out a dedicated email to your entire list. Highlight the benefits of the program and make it easy for them to find and share their referral code.
  • Reminder Emails: Don’t just announce it once and forget about it. Include a mention of your referral program in your regular newsletters or promotional emails. You could even send out dedicated referral reminders every few months to keep it top-of-mind.
  • Personalized Emails: If you have a good understanding of your customer segments, tailor your referral emails to their specific interests. For example, if someone frequently buys pet products, send them a referral email highlighting a discount on pet supplies for their friends.

6. Social Media

Social media is best for spreading the word about your referral program. Share posts and stories that highlight the benefits of referring friends. 

According to Alison Lancaster, CEO of, “Use eye-catching visuals and a clear call to action to encourage sharing. You can even run contests or giveaways that incentivize people to share their referral codes with their followers.”


7. Website and Blog Content

Don’t hide your referral program in a dark corner of your website! Give it a prominent place on your homepage, in your main navigation menu, or even as a banner ad.

Sumeer Kaur, Founder of, adds “Consider creating a dedicated landing page that explains the program in detail, showcases testimonials from successful referrals, and makes it super easy for people to sign up and start sharing.” 

If you have a blog, write articles about the benefits of the program or feature customer success stories to inspire others.


8. Paid Advertising

While organic promotion is essential, paid advertising can help you get in front of a much larger audience. Consider running targeted ads on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Gerrid Smith, CMO of Joy Organics says, “You can focus your ads on people who have shown an interest in your niche or products. Paid ads can be a great way to kickstart your referral program and attract a wave of new customers.”

Here are some additional promotional tips to keep in mind as well.


  • Partner with Influencers: If you have the budget, consider partnering with influencers who can promote your referral program to their followers.
  • Add Referral Links to Order Confirmations: This is a great way to encourage referrals right after a customer has made a purchase and is feeling good about your brand.
  • Include Referral Calls-to-Action in Product Packaging: A little note or insert in your packaging can remind customers about your referral program and encourage them to share.

Wrap Up

Harrison Jordan, Managing Lawyer of Substance Law, said,Referral marketing is like having your customers do the advertising for you. It’s one of the most effective ways to grow your online business. And a well-designed referral widget plays a key role in unlocking that potential.”

By offering tempting incentives, making sharing easy, and putting your widget in front of the right people, you can create a snowball effect for new customers.

So, invest in a well-crafted referral widget, spread the word about your program, and watch your business thrive. We hope you find this guide on lead generation referral helpful.


Shivani is a content writer at InviteReferrals. She writes SEO articles, blogs, and guest posts for businesses to improve website ranking on SERP. She follows a balanced approach for the quality of content and its marketing. She loves to do creativity, although she had an English major in her graduation.

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