Fundraising Campaign

Fundraising Campaign – Childlineindia (Only Demo)


This blog is only for purpose of demonstration and this campaign was not actually taken live by ChildlineIndia

Fundraising campaign design

InviteReferrals can be used to promote fundraising campaign and boost fund collection through friend referrals. Here is how we conceptualized the Customer Referral program to promote fundraising campaign.

Company :

Goal : Boost Fundraising campaign through friend referrals


Campaign Idea brief : People donate to a charity because they believe in the cause taken up by the charity. Monetary incentives are not fit for referral campaigns designed to boost fundraising. Rather people are motivated by the appropriate recognition of their contribution. Childlineindia is an emergency outreach phone service for children in need and serves a very sensitive issue. Therefore, we chose felicitation of top referrers at ChildlineIndia Annual event as the incentive.

Campaign Incentives : Top referrers who get maximum donation through friend referrals to be felicitated at ChildlineIndia Annual Event. Top contributor would also get a chance to speak on the top of “Care for Children” at the event

Campaign Type : Top Referrer Campaign

Demo campaign link :

Below landing page screenshot of the campaign


Screenshot of the view where customer can refer friends


The following referral invite text for social media channels were configured for childlineIndia fundraising campaign.

Donate to CHILDLINE, 24- HOUR PHONE SERVICE FOR CHILDREN IN NEED OF CARE #ChildlineindiaReferrals @CHILDLINE1098 {referral link}

You can check the demo fundraising campaign link here :


Co-founder, InviteReferral. Spreads the word about each new awesome feature of customer referral program. Loves to talk to customers, marketers and tech enthusiasts.