increase mail chimp subscribers

Increase MailChimp Subscribers using Refer a friend Program




Refer a Friend program and rss to push notification is a effective way to increase subscribers. You can get more subscribers through your existing site visitors and subscribers for more details you can follow the case studies HERE

Follow the simple steps below to start a refer a friend program that integrates with your Mailchimp accoun. It requires a custom thank you page to be added using  Mailchimp control panel as follows


Opt-in Confirmation Thank You page Tracking.


Step 1

  • Login to your MailChimp account and click on LIST from menu
Step: Click on List


Step 2

  • Choose your Mailing list and Click on the SignUp forms from the right drop down menu
Step: Click Signup Form


Step 3

  • Now select the General Forms which open general form setting page.
Step: Select General Form


Step 4

  • Now Select the Confirmation “thank you ” page in drop down menu
Select: Confirmation Thankyou Page


Step 5

  • Now enter the custom refer a friend thankyou page url of  and SAVE.
  • Example of Custom url with parameters:*|EMAIL|*&name=*|FNAME|*
Step: Refer a Friend ThankYou page Url


Step 6

You need to now place the InviteReferrals tracking pixel on this custom page. Follow the tutorials below to integrate Invitereferrals tracking pixel on the custom thank you page you just created.




Other than mailchimp Invitereferrals also has modules/plugins for most widely used CMS’ Listed Here and it can also be integrated by simple copy pasting the javascript code from  Here




Shivani is a content writer at InviteReferrals. She writes SEO articles, blogs, and guest posts for businesses to improve website ranking on SERP. She follows a balanced approach for the quality of content and its marketing. She loves to do creativity, although she had an English major in her graduation.